Short Prayers
God has blessed every one with unique gifts. He wants us to enjoy and share our gifts of time, talents and treasures with family, ...
Prayers needn’t be words. Anything can be a prayer if it is offered up to God. Thoughts, deeds, work, chores, even sleep can...
a contrite prayer
God’s love for each of us is unfathomable and his mercy is inexhaustible. May each of us pray with contrite hearts to receiv...
Emmanuel short prayer
God is with us unceasingly, may I have a greater desire and put forth a greater effort to turn away from sin and be with God. ...
say yes to God prayer
God calls each of to follow him. Some paths are easier than others but submission to God’s will is admission to his kingdom....
prayer for union
Turn to God frequently throughout your day and ask for the Holy Spirit to help you to act in accordance with God’s holy will...
prayer to overcome sin
Resisting and overcoming sin demands God’s help. Will power which is your will is not God’s will. Ask for God’s ...

Strive to put Jesus at the center of your life and pray for His healing to free you from sinful actions and thoughts.

Bad habits and laziness are but a few “excuses” which inhibit us from fulfilling God’s plan for us. Pray for a d...
prayer for courage
Standing up for what is right isn’t easy, especially when we feel like we’re going at it alone. Call upon the Holy Spi...
Everyday is a blessing, every breath. Look for miracles in a sometimes mundane life and you will surely find them. Laughter is a m...
fervent prayer to overcome distraction
It’s difficult to do anything when one is bombarded by distractions. Retreat to a quiet place to pray and draw strength, pea...
prayer to serve God
Serving God in everything we do should be first and foremost in our lives. But that’s often easier said than done. Ask God f...
simple morning prayers
Apologizing to those we have hurt is never easy but most always welcomed. Pray for the grace and courage to make things right with...
simple calming prayer
Often we get caught up in our daily routines that we neglect to take a break and offer up our day to God. God doesn’t want t...
friend of Jesus prayer
Jesus is with each of us for each and every moment of our lives. May I take more time to appreciate and acknowledge and share in H...
a short Christmas prayer
God’s unfathomable love for mankind came to earth in the infant Jesus! How awesome and wonderful God is to each of us! ...
short prayer for peace

May all glory be given to God for sending us his Son to save the world from sin.

prayer to honor God
We are each called to serve others through which we help fulfill God’s divine plan. May we pray and discern the role God has...
short prayer for salvation
On his Cross, in agony, Jesus said “I thirst”. Jesus unceasingly thirst for the salvation of sinners. May we do our pa...
All good comes from God not ourselves. When we start to struggle and get frustated with life, we should step back and acknowlege w...