Short Prayers
prayer for strength
Call upon God for the strength and conviction to live in accordance with His Holy Will. Say this short prayer to God for the stren...
Lord, please remind me that everyone is equally loved by you and created in your likeness. Help me to appreciate everyone I meet n...
prayer for revelation
God is there for us unceasingly, but we neglect to ask for his divine help. Talk to God openly and speak candidly to God about you...
prayer to please God
So simple to say but so difficult to live out. As St. Paul struggled “…for I am not practicing what I would like to do...
prayer to forgive others
Forgiveness can be difficult but we are all called to forgive others. God’s forgiveness constantly awaits us, may we not hol...
short prayer for joy
A prayerful plea for a change of heart is needed for those who feel alone and hopeless and are longing for joy. Loneliness, hurt, ...
prayer of thanks
Most of us are blessed with an abundance of time but often we squander it on TV, social media and other distractions. May we put t...
simple short prayers
Our pride can get in the way of the graces Jesus has awaiting for each us. Overcoming pride can seem insurmountable but God’...
a prayer for peace when anxious
Distractions consume each of us daily often drawing us away from God and into feelings of anxiety and uneasiness. God’s grac...
A short prayer to see Jesus is in everyone
Finding goodness in others isn’t always easy, pray for grace to appreciate God’s unique love and purpose for everyone....
Equally loved by God pic
Each of us is created by God for a unique purpose. We are each equally loved by Him but graced with individual talents and gifts. ...
surrender my will prayer
As human beings we have each been blessed with free will. God created us to live in union with His most holy will but this world w...
prayer for goodness
Opening our hearts to God’s love, forgiveness and mercy requires trust. Trust in God and leave the heavy lifting to Him. uns...
a selfless prayer
Focusing on what I want often does little to serve others. May I focus less on serving my needs but rather serve others for the gl...

Jesus’ love for each of us is infinite and his mercy unfathomable. Praise God!

Jesus strengthen me

True strength can only come from God. This is the strength we all need to overcome sin in all of its forms.

prayers to start your day
Take a few moments each day to tune out the world and listen to God speaking to your heart. Prayer will open your heart to GodR...
Before anything else begin you day with prayer to live and act in harmony with God’s will. The Lord has a plan for your day ...
If we don’t ask for help we’re only counting on ourselves. Ask for God’s help and your blessings will be greater...
So many times we want something in return for our help or cooperation. When God calls us may we answer a resounding and unqualifie...